Luxury Bouquet
Our luxury bouquet is full of Welsh grown flowers and foliage grown right here on our flower farm in Pontardawe South Wales. It is full of the best of the season, delicately scented and wrapped in our signature blue paper. You can also add a personalised note card with a message of your choice. Available for collection only. Please get in touch to arrange a appointment to collect your bouquet.
The flowers in the bouquet will vary from the photos depending on the season. Colours can be requested but it will depend on what is available in our field.
Our luxury bouquet is full of Welsh grown flowers and foliage grown right here on our flower farm in Pontardawe South Wales. It is full of the best of the season, delicately scented and wrapped in our signature blue paper. You can also add a personalised note card with a message of your choice. Available for collection only. Please get in touch to arrange a appointment to collect your bouquet.
The flowers in the bouquet will vary from the photos depending on the season. Colours can be requested but it will depend on what is available in our field.
Our luxury bouquet is full of Welsh grown flowers and foliage grown right here on our flower farm in Pontardawe South Wales. It is full of the best of the season, delicately scented and wrapped in our signature blue paper. You can also add a personalised note card with a message of your choice. Available for collection only. Please get in touch to arrange a appointment to collect your bouquet.
The flowers in the bouquet will vary from the photos depending on the season. Colours can be requested but it will depend on what is available in our field.